Orangutan Foundation

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Keep forests standing and orangutans in the wild

Double your donation this Thursday 6th December at 10am,  at http://new.thebiggive.org.uk/project/HabitatProtection, and you can be assured that you are helping to keep forests standing and orangutans in the wild. A common excuse used by people who are found acting illegally inside protected areas is that they didn’t realise they were within the borders.  To counteract this problem in the Lamandau River Wildlife Reserve (Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Borneo), the Orangutan Foundation and BKSDA Central Kalimantan (Conservation and Natural Resources Authority) are currently ensuring that the Reserve’s border is correctly marked. This involves patrolling the entire border, the reserve is approximately twice the size of the UK's Isle of Wight, and using GPS to check that makers haven’t been moved and also replacing any markers that are missing.

The Reserve, which is critical orangutan habitat, is also a government designated orangutan release site.  It is where orangutans such as Bangkal, Rosa and Brian and Aan (female orangutan who was rescued after being shot in October) are all living.

Maintaining this basic habitat protection is vital.  Yet it comes at a cost that the Orangutan Foundation has to meet.  Please help us tomorrow, Thursday 6th December, and if the matched fund has already been used up then please try again on Friday or Saturday or until the fund has finished.

We really appreciate your support.

Thank you,

Orangutan Foundation